In early 2024, St Michael’s Hospice embarked on a mission to reduce its carbon footprint and gain greater energy independence. Partnering with Spirit Energy, the hospice aimed to achieve both financial and environmental benefits by installing a bespoke solar photovoltaic (PV) system. This case study outlines the design, implementation, and results of the project.
St Michael’s Hospice partnered with Spirit Energy to design and install a 60.2 kWp solar PV system, consisting of 140 Trina 440W panels and two inverters: one 50 kW Solis and one 10 kW Solis inverter. The system layout included both pitched and flat roof installations, with specific design considerations for DC cable routing through loft spaces and a 1-metre gap around the panel edges to ensure safety and optimal performance.
Option 1: 49.88 kWp system with 116 x 430W monocrystalline panels and a Solis-50k-S5 inverter.
Option 2: Similar to Option 1 but using a SolarEdge SE50K inverter to enhance energy production.
Option 3: A larger 60.2 kWp system with 140 x 440W Trina panels and two Solis inverters (one 50 kW and one 10 kW) for increased output.
The hospice selected Option 3, the updated 60.2 kWp system, which is expected to generate approximately 48,941 kWh annually, significantly reducing the hospice’s reliance on grid electricity.
The project involved mounting 140 solar panels across multiple roof sections, using K2 and VDV mounting systems. To address site-specific challenges, Spirit Energy provided solutions such as bird mesh protection and carefully planned DC cable runs through loft spaces to reach the inverter locations. The installation team ensured pathways and emergency exits remained clear during the process, completing the work efficiently while maintaining site safety.
The projected annual savings on electricity bills amount to £13,814, resulting in a payback period of approximately five years.
Key financial metrics:
The installation is set to reduce carbon emissions by approximately 12,844 kg CO2 annually, contributing significantly to the hospice’s environmental objectives over the system’s lifespan.
The SolarEdge inverter provides continuous monitoring, enabling St Michael’s Hospice to track energy generation and usage in real time. This feature ensures optimal system performance and simplifies maintenance.
The solar PV installation at St Michael’s Hospice demonstrates how non-profit organisations can adopt renewable energy to achieve significant cost savings while contributing positively to the environment. With a projected four-year payback period and substantial long-term financial returns, the system offers a compelling case for solar investment.
St Michael’s Hospice is now better equipped to allocate more resources towards its core mission of providing care, thanks to reduced energy costs and a greener energy profile. This project serves as an excellent example for other charitable organisations considering a similar move towards sustainability.