Nathan Lau

Technical Design/Sales

Hi! I’m Nathan and I joined the Technical Sales team at Spirit Energy in August 2024. I graduated with a Master’s in Chemistry from the University of Bristol in 2024, where I gained a keen interest in the science behind renewable energy technologies, including solar. I first learned about the inner workings of solar panels by creating my own in a teaching laboratory experiment. It was tiny and only produced a miniscule amount of electricity (just 0.06 V!) but used science on the cutting edge of solar PV technology which was really cool. 

Typically, I deal with the design of residential solar PV systems and am always up for a chat to discuss the technical aspects to make sure the system is the right one for you. 

In my free time you can typically find me doing something cycling related – either crunching the miles out on the road, reading about the latest tech or watching races. I also enjoy playing video games and cooking good food. 

Nathan Lau - Technical Design Sales - Spirit Energy [Compressed] (Custom)
Nathan Lau 2 - Technical Design Sales - Spirit Energy[Compressed] (Custom)