Tok Charles

Technical Design/Sales

Tok's Bio

Reviews from Tok's Projects

Hi, I'm Tok and it's my job to help my clients to understand all things solar & battery - to work out the best possible solutions for their roofs and show them the financial and environmental returns they can expect from the different options. You can find reviews from a few of my recent projects below.

But often I'll come away from these interactions feeling I've learned more from my customers than they've learned from me - so many people have been exceedingly generous with their time, sharing their own experiences in business and giving me all sorts of advice that's proving invaluable at the early days of my career. 

My first exposure to the business world was when my father took me to the Canton Fair in China at the age of 13. We were sourcing garden products for one of my family's previous businesses, and my job was to design and find a manufacturer for windspinners. I was lucky enough to be trusted with the website design for windspinners as well. I spoke with a lot of Chinese companies who were kind enough to take me seriously (even though more than one of them enjoyed the chance to turn the tables on the West and make jokes about "child labour") and I was soon hooked on the process and challenges involved.   

Growing up with Spirit going on around me, I was very keen to "get started" working in a real business as soon as I could. I've been in the sales and design team at Spirit since 2020. I'm particularly interested in learning how to offer the best service to our clients and I’m lucky enough to have my parents mentoring me as to how to run businesses and provide value to our customers. I'd greatly appreciate any feedback that you have for me and Spirit. We're always trying to get better. 

Outside work, I also enjoy lifting weights, chess and tennis. When I was younger, I took tennis very seriously, spending 2 years playing 25 hours a week at a full-time tennis academy. I didn't make it in the end, but it did give me a very clear idea of the work ethic required to be the best and I suspect that's one of the most important things any education can give you.  

I'm in most of the informational videos across our social media and website. I also featured in a short program that we took part in for Sky. The program shows how Spirit is helping to make the UK more sustainable and the struggles that the country will face as we aim to hit net zero. 


Reviews from a few of Tok's Recent Projects

Here you can find some of the most recent reviews from projects that Tok has played a big role in...

Kevin Morrison - Spirit Energy Solar and Battery - Google Review
Kevin Crane - Spirit Energy Solar and Battery - Google Review
Mary Tricker - Spirit Energy Solar and Battery - Google Review
Satheesh Nadarajah - Spirit Energy Solar and Battery - Google Review
Daniel Denham - Spirit Energy Solar and Battery - Google Review
Tok Charles - Technical Design Sales - Spirit Energy [Compressed]
Tok 17.7 Photo 2