Viridian Solar recommended Spirit to a customer who had expressed interest in a Clearline Fusion PV system. The client was in the process of building their own residential property and wanted a system that had a clean low-profile aesthetic.
Working from an intial layout design provided by Viridian, Spirit proposed a PV system that incoprated enphase mini inverters connected to each panel - these microinverters optimise the performance of the panels individually as to mitigate the effects of shading and allow for enhanced monitoring of each individual panel.
The Clearline Fusion solar panels offer a sleek aesthetic that is enhanced by invisible clamps and automated uniform spacing. They are often a go to choice for new build developments - fitted during the normal roofing programme they offer exceptional fire performance, wind resistance and weather tightness without the need of extra roof battens, tiles or adhesive flashing rolls.
The 5 panel system totals 1.25 kWp and is generating 1,221 kWh of electricity each year as well as a few welcome compliments from the neighbours!