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Battery storage Case Studies

Liphook - Tesla Powerwall 2 (13.5 kWh) (Jul '18)

Posted by Spirit Energy on 01 Dec 2019

Tesla PW2 crop

In July 2018, Spirit installed Powerwall 2 to support a 5.5kWp solar system we commissioned the year before.

The battery system will balance generation and use of solar power in the home. We estimate it will take Mr P’s proportion of solar electricity used on site to 79%. Along with the solar PV, he should be able to generate around 71% of his annual electricity requirement on site.

Mr P said, ‘We had superb assistance and service from Spirit Energy.’

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Quick stats
Battery Tesla Powerwall 2 (13.5 kWh)
Charger Tesla (3.68kW)
Key function Solar utilisation
Other functionality Emergency backup