Solar PV Case Studies

Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire - 8.4 kWp (May '18)

Posted by Spirit Energy on 20 May 2019


In May 2018, Spirit installed a domestic in roof solar PV system in Henley on Thames. The roof is orientated at 45 degrees from south and sloped at 35 degrees allowing for high generation during daylight hours.  The PV array consists of 28 x Viridian 300W, with a peak output of 8.4kWp. The Viridian panels offer a sleek low-profile aesthetic giving a very attractive finish. Annually this system is expected to generate an output of 7,787kWh per year. The inverters used are SolarEdge, which offer improved performance compared to other inverters. This is due to their capability of optimising the performance of each individual panel, rather than the system operating at the level of the worst performing panel in the string. 

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Quick stats
Location Henley on Thames
System Size 8.4 kWp
Panel model 28 x Viridian 300W
Inverter model SolarEdge
Annual output 7,787 kWh