Solar PV Case Studies

Poole, Dorset - 4.2 kWp (Apr '17)

Posted by Spirit Energy on 08 Aug 2017

Poole solar PV array

In April 2017, Spirit installed a solar PV system for a client in Dorset, which was designed to fit in with the high quality modern refurbishment of their property. Two years later we returned to install Tesla Powerwall 2, in August 2019.

The 4.2 kWp array spans almost the entire roof, neatly slotting around two skylights. It is made up of 14 Sharp 300W panels, supported by a SolarEdge inverter, which was chosen for its superior warranty, online monitoring and module-level optimisation.

The system is expected to have an annual output of 4,276kWh.

Read more in our interview with Mark.

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Quick stats
Location Poole
System Size 4.2 kWp
Panel model 14 x Sharp 300W
Inverter model SolarEdge
Annual output 4,276 kWh