Solar PV Case Studies

Cowley Marsh Depot - 125 kWp (Aug '17)

Posted by Spirit Energy on 05 Dec 2017

Cowley Marsh DepotOxford City Council contacted Spirit Energy when looking at the feasibility of installing a solar PV system at Cowley Marsh Depot. Using half hourly data provided by the council, Spirit designed a system that would be most economically beneficial. 

The resulting PV system would be installed across two flat roofs totalling 125 kWp and comprising of 464 x JA Solar 270W panels. The system was anticipated to produce 112,600 kWh/yr, generating annual savings and income of £14,649 and resulting in a payback time of only 7 years.

Half hourly data provides Spirit with a more accurate way of designing a system to match the sites base load requirements - it provides an insight into how much electricity is being used throughout the day when the PV is producing most and allows the PV system to be sized accordingly. As such, it is estimated that 90% of the electricity generated by PV will be used on site.

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Quick stats
Location Oxford
System Size 125 kWp
Panel model 464 x JA Solar 270W
Inverter model 2 x SE 27.6K and 2 x SE25K 
Annual output 112,215 kWh