Solar PV Case Studies

Hansgrohe UK Headquarters - 126.14 kWp (Oct '24)

Posted by Luke Pemberton on 26 Feb 2025
Luke Pemberton

Hansgrohe 3x2Hansgrohe UK HQ Goes Solar: A Step Towards Sustainability

Earlier this year, Hansgrohe’s UK headquarters in Warwick took a major step forward in their sustainability journey by installing 212 solar panels on their roof. This project is set to save the company over £18,000 annually on electricity bills while making a significant contribution to their environmental goals. Here’s how the project unfolded and the benefits it’s already delivering.

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Warehouse Solar Installation - 212 Solar Panels | Hansgrohe UK Headquarters

We just finished installing 212 Solar Panels on the roof of Hansgrohe's UK headquarters which is saving them £80,000 per year.

Watch Tok Charles, Technical Designer, explain.

Why Hansgrohe Chose Solar

As part of their Eco-2030 program, Hansgrohe has committed to reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainable innovation. This solar installation aligns perfectly with these objectives, helping the company lower emissions while also reducing reliance on grid electricity. With rising energy costs and increasing emphasis on carbon accountability, investing in solar made both financial and environmental sense.

The Solar System Design

Our journey with Hansgrohe began in April 2024, when Stef from our commercial solar team started designing the system. Initially, the plan was to install 240 standard 430W panels, totalling 107 kWp. However, a site visit revealed that the roof could accommodate larger 595W panels. This adjustment reduced the total number of panels to 212 but increased the system capacity to an impressive 126.14 kWp.

To ensure the system’s effectiveness, Stef conducted detailed solar generation and usage modelling. Using real-world data provided by Hansgrohe, the model predicted how the system would perform during different months of the year. For example:

  • January: The system is expected to generate 2,944 kWh, covering 18.4% of the building’s high electricity usage during this period.
  • May: With 14,251 kWh generated, there will be surplus energy, much of which will be exported to the grid for profit.

Over the course of a year, the system is estimated to generate 104,444 kWh, of which 62,000 kWh will be used on-site, making Hansgrohe 41% grid independent on average.

Installation Highlights

The installation process was smooth and efficient, taking just seven working days to complete. Two days later, the system was commissioned and began performing as expected.

Hansgrohe’s roof, made of trapezoidal sheet metal, proved ideal for a quick and cost-effective installation. Special scaffolding protected the tall skylights, and the straightforward cable runs ensured minimal disruption to the building’s operations. The system includes a 110 kW solar inverter installed near the main distribution board, with DC cabling dropping directly from the roof above.

Safety was a priority, and additional protective measures, such as arcboxes for the MC4 connections, were incorporated to ensure compliance with rc26 safety standards for outdoor installations.

Financial and Environmental Benefits

Hansgrohe’s solar system offers impressive financial returns:

  • Annual electricity bill savings of over £18,000.
  • An internal rate of return (IRR) of 34%.
  • A net present value (NPV) exceeding £420,000.
  • A payback period of just four years.
  • Over 20 years, the system is projected to achieve a total return on investment (ROI) of 689%.

Environmentally, the system will offset 22,118 kg of CO2 emissions in its first year, playing a crucial role in Hansgrohe’s Eco-2030 goals and helping to future-proof the company against forthcoming net-zero regulations.


Hansgrohe’s solar investment demonstrates how businesses can align sustainability with financial prudence. By reducing their carbon footprint and electricity bills simultaneously, they are setting an example for companies aiming to balance profitability with environmental responsibility.

Whether your business owns or leases its premises, installing solar panels can be a game-changing investment. If your building has a similar roof and high energy usage, now could be the perfect time to explore the benefits of going solar.

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Quick stats
Location Warwick
System size 126.14 kWp
Panel model JA Solar 595W
Inverter model Solis 110 kW
Annual output 104,444 kWh
Annual CO2 savings 22,118 kg