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Commercial Blog

Solar Panels for Supermarkets

George Riley · 22 Jul 2020

For most people, a trip to the shops is about picking up the weekly groceries, with rarely a concern for the huge amount of power needed to keep the building running and the food fresh.

As electricity bills rise, shop owners are keen to cut costs where they can. Here’s why we’d recommend solar panels for supermarkets to save money on energy and provide some energy independence.


Topics: Battery storage, LED lighting, Solar PV

Empty Premises? Upgrade Your Energy Systems!

George Riley · 09 Jun 2020

Offices, shops, schools and other premises across the country have been shuttered or only partially open since the lockdown. In an undoubtedly difficult time, many organisations are looking to save money. This could be the perfect opportunity to look at improvements to your company’s energy use, investing in efficient technology to reduce your energy costs in the long term.

Here are a few things we can help with to improve energy efficiency:


Topics: Battery storage, Financing, LED lighting, Solar PV

Free CPD Training for Commercial End Users: Solar PV & Battery Storage

Erica Charles · 15 Jun 2018

Are you responsible for a commercial property or a commercial / residential property portfolio? Or are you an architect, specifier, commercial end user, engineer, contractor or consultant seeking to learn more about solar PV or battery storage?

If so you many be interested in our FREE CPD accredited training courses.


Topics: Battery storage, CPD training, Solar PV

Attention High Electricity Users: Cut Your Bill with Funded Batteries

Erica Charles · 05 Dec 2017

Is your business is a high electricity user? If so you could benefit from funded battery storage, enabling you to reduce your electricity bill by avoiding peak time electricity surcharges (TRIAD charges and Red Band DUOS charges).


Topics: Battery storage, Financing